Inside Apple – An Audio Book Review

Secrets from inside the Apple culture.

Title: Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired—And Secretive—Company Really Works
Author: Adam Lashinsky
Narrator: Adam Lashinsky
Length: 6 hours, 52 minutes

Inside Apple, written and narrated by Adam Lashinsky, lets us in on what makes Apple so innovative and what sets them apart from every other successful company on the planet. He dishes on everything from corporate culture to business successes and uncovers Apple’s systems, tactics and leadership strategies. Everyone is dying to know Apple’s secret sauce and this is a great listen for people looking to incorporate some of Steve Job’s genius into their corporation, career or entrepreneurial endeavor.

If what you really want is the dirt on Apple, you’ll enjoy Lashinsky’s insights into the secretive nature of the company—secrets so guarded that it’s rumored that undercover agents would monitor employees while they were grabbing a beer at the local pub and listen in to make sure they weren’t discussing project or company information.

Here’s a little more gossip:

  • At Apple, geek equals chic. The stereotypical high school hierarchy is turned upside with iOS engineers at the top of the heap.
  • If you’re hired at Apple, you better be tech-savvy or have a friend in IT on speed dial. No one helps new employees set up their computers on Apple’s network .
  • It’s not the tech version of Willy Wonka’s factory that most of us believe it to be. According to Lashinsky, “Almost nobody describes working at Apple as being fun.”

The book does a great job at examining what sets Apple apart from the rest, both good and bad, but we have a little intel ourselves—Inside Apple is completely unauthorized. All of the information is based off secondary sources, so listen with a grain of salt.

If you enjoyed this, you’ll love listening to the exclusive biography of Steve Jobs.

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