Audiobook Review of the Week: Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It’s time for our Featured Review of the Week! This week, we selected Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Antifragile as reviewed by Andres.

Antifragile audiobook by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“Taleb’s book focuses on the core issue of anti-fragility which can be transferred across most subjects. The book is highly ‘repetitive’ which as any great speaker knows is a tool to get people to really grasp the concept. He goes into extensive detail and through many historical examples and philosophers to which he accredits the uncovering of the concept of anti-fragility. Of course he recognizes and expresses that the doer innately understands anti-fragility yet it eludes the spotlight in the academic realm. If you read this book you will learn anti-fragility in depth.

Bottom line: If you are really interested or using anti-fragility for a real world application then you should listen/read this book. If you’re just trying to grasp the concept quickly and move on I suggest either reading a couple of sections from this book or getting your anti-fragility knowledge from Taleb’s other sources, or getting that knowledge through experience.”

Thanks for writing a great review, Andres! You can expect to see an extra credit in your account the next time you log in. To check out “Antifragile”, head over here.
Happy listening, and keep sending in those reviews!

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