In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, listen to inspiring stories about the trials and triumphs of breast cancer patients.
1. The Bright Hour: A Memoir of Living and Dying by Nina Riggs, narrated by Kirby Heyborne and Cassandra Campbell
Nina Riggs was just thirty-seven years old when initially diagnosed with breast cancer-one small spot. Within a year, the mother of two sons, ages seven and nine, and married sixteen years to her best friend, received the devastating news that her cancer was terminal. How does one live each day, “unattached to outcome”? How does one approach the moments, big and small, with both love and honesty?
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2. The Bucket List by Georgia Clark, narrated by Lauren Ezzo
Twenty-five-old Lacey Whitman is blindsided when she’s diagnosed the “breast cancer” gene. Her high risk forces a decision: increased surveillance or a double mastectomy. Lacey doesn’t want to lose her breasts. To help make her choice, she creates a “boob bucket list:” everything she wants do with and for her boobs before a possible surgery, kicking off a year of sensual exploration and sexual entertainment.
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3. Faded Photo by Sarah Price, narrated by Tanya Eby
Frances Snyder can never quite get her mother’s voice out of her head. How to be the perfect wife. The perfect mother. Frances’s home life is demanding, and while she’s busy seeing to everyone else’s needs, Frances doesn’t have the luxury of spare time. So when she is diagnosed with breast cancer, she thinks that she can handle it on her own. Dealing with endless tests, brutal chemotherapy, and the looming specter of surgery, Frances chooses to face cancer on her own terms: alone. That is, until she finally understands that unexpected friendship—and unconditional love—can offer hope in the darkest hours.
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4. Bald is Better with Earrings by Andrea Hutton, narrated by Andrea Hutton
When Andrea Hutton was diagnosed with breast cancer, she wanted to know everything. She read books, articles, surfed websites, and talked to everyone she knew. But nothing prepared her for the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. What she really wanted was something she could not find: a clear how-to guide for the Cancer Girl she had become.
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5. Twisting Fate by Pamela N. Munster, narrated by Eliza Foss
A leading oncologist at the University of California-San Francisco, Dr. Pamela Munster has advised thousands of women on how to deal with the life-altering diagnosis of breast cancer. But when she got a call saying that her own mammogram showed ‘irregularities,’ she found herself experiencing a whole new side of the disease she thought she was an expert in.
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6. Everybody’s Got Something by Veronica Chambers and Robin Roberts, narrated by Robin Roberts
Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts‘ memoir recounts the incredible journey of her life so far. With heart and humor, she writes about overcoming breast cancer only to learn five years later that she will need a bone marrow transplant, the grief and heartbreak she suffered when her mother died, her triumphant return to work after her medical leave, and the support of her family and friends.
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7. Best Friends Forever by Kimberla Lawson Roby, narrated by Maria Howell
Things are falling apart for the Richardson’s. Fights between Celine and her husband have become routine, and she worries how her young daughter will be affected. But the situation turns devastating when Celine is diagnosed with breast cancer. As her marriage deteriorates, support comes in the form of her best friend, Lauren, and she is forced to make tough decisions — about her marriage and otherwise.
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